
March 2010....Getting some reports of foul tasting SKI near Columbia MO...


99 times out of 100 this is because the product has exceeded its shelf life.   Check the date code on the bottom of the cans.  Here's how...


The first four digits indicate the date.  Digit 1 is the last number of the year.  If its 0, ski was made in 2010.  If its 9, it was made in 2009.  The next three digits indicate the date of production.  Days are numbered sequentially from "001" for January 1 through "365" for December 31.


For example...the can sitting in front of me is stamped "0035" which means it was produced on February 4th of this year.


Remember that due to the content of natural fruit juice, SKI has has a shorter shelf life than some sodas...which is a good thing.  The official ski website FAQs lists 9 months as the shelf life, but changes in temperature can also play a role.  I urge you to contact SKI headquarters if you come across someone selling skunked product.  Check my links for their website. 

Excel bottling is adding new machinery to expand capability of their one-way glass bottles!


Will update with more details when available.

February 2010...New packaging in place...and name change for cherry ski to "Infrared SKI"

Not NEW news, but news to me...  GEM Beverages in Wellston, OH stopped bottling in 2006 and is only a distributor now...

Just got word that Marathon Distributing in St. Louis is closing...Which means no more SKI in the metro St. Louis area, including Soda Jerks at St. Louis Mills...not sure what the future holds.  Evidently they are attempting to liquidate stock with "bargain" prices, which makes it difficult for future distributors to sell at regular price

New logo coming soon!  A new SKI logo has been delevoped and is expected to be launched this August.  Some merchandise has been released to bottlers/distributors with new logo.  "Taste the Wake" slogan has been replaced with "Real lemon.  Real orange.  Real good."  Also minor change to color scheme. 


January 09...change is underway, but no change to packaging yet


June 09... Now we're getting somewhere!  New point of purchase was released, announcing a contest designed to let the consumer decide on the design of the new cans!   See below...


July 09...New official ski website been launched!  Some neat features...check it out at

New can contest POP
New can contest POP


New promotional items!  Double Cola has designed and taken orders from bottlers distributors for mountain bikes with the SKI logo!  Keep your eyes open for promotions using the new bikes.


UPDATE Jan 09...mountain bikes were damaged beyond repair during import, and returned to manufacturer....


UPDATE June 09...New shipment of bikes are in...made by Huffy...bottlers and distributors have access to them through DC.  Excel has already donated several to local fundraisers

SKI bottler/distributor Excel Bottling Company is featured in the March-April 2008 edition of

"The Soda Fizz."  The publication is compiled and distributed by the Painted Soda Bottle Collectors Association (PSBCA).  Check out the PSBCA on my links page.